Sunday 14 June 2009

Heaven falling from your eyes

"Those were not ghosts in your eyes
They were reflections
So honest
So true
Of the skies above
In water-colour
Of clouds
Sketched by the wind
Of shadows
Cast by the sun
Falling from your eyes
Of your soul"

For my boyfriend
With love

I just wanted to say it's been a great weekend and the reason for that is solely down to one person, there's no need to guess is there? It's my boyfriend, of course; and the weather has been so kind to us too, someone up there is smiling down upon us at the moment. The simple things in life are the most satisfying and I know at times I do portray us as a hedonistic couple - there's a time and a place for everything, but it's not us at all really and certainly not us all the time.
The poem just kind of sums that simplicity up - we went for a walk today and there was a moment where I turned to kiss my boyfriend and I could see the reflection of the sky in his eyes. It was the most pure and beautiful vision I could have hoped to have seen, it was like heaven falling from his eyes - a reflection of his soul. I took the photo that accompanies the poem shortly afterwards, I was going to just post it on my photo blog but that moment stayed with me and well the poem was born.

Monday 4 May 2009

Eyeliner blues

The horizon line is fading
Slowly disappearing from view
Storm clouds in the distance
Rolling over me and you
There's lightning traces
And lipstick faces
Straight boys dressed up in drag
High heeled shoes
Eyeliner blues
A notion of a slag
- - - - 
An angel in the architecture
Reaches for heaven above
Paupers in the gutter
Strung out on second hand love
A drunken sleaze
Wearing green jade knees
Foretells the price of fame
In glitter ball charms 
And tattoo artist arms
The story reads the same
- - - - 
It's raining down in Soho
A girl sings in a lonely bar
Songs of a better yesterday
Dreams of being a star
The shadows they taunt
In faces shallow and gaunt
Notes wrung out to dry
They greet the rain 
They hide the pain
No one listens when she cries
- - - - 
Whispers trail on stony ground
Forgotten words remain unspoken
Trees they bend to touch the earth
A truth already broken
Lovers gaze
In separate ways
Then walk away alone
The streetlights sigh
To the desperate sky
Gestures the way back home
- - - - 
Hyenas laugh in the graveyard
Ghosts haunt the frigid air
Eyes caught in a car crash
An illuminating stare
Shot blood red
Gunshot dead
Mascara black as night
Slips from her face
Slides without grace
Gives up without a fight
- - - -
A heart beats to a rhythm
Pressed gently in a hand
Connected to a feeling
Lines drawn within the sand
The halo slips 
To another ones lips
Together lost in time
As devils they call
Kisses innocently fall
Hope will always shine
- - - - 
Tonight the stars shine quietly
Silently to sleep
Baby don't you cry now
Darling don't you weep
There's moonlight strings
A serenade of kings
The freedom of a dove
Skin touches skin
A prayer from within
Two boyfriends making love

Oh my gosh, this poem has not turned out as I intended it to but I love it all the same; it still manages to tell the story I wanted to get across but it's a surprise. I've had verses running through my mind all afternoon whilst at work and I was so hoping they would stick around until this evening so I could capture them. Some I did and some I didn't - the vast majority of the final verses were originally in mind as a start to the poem, but hey it changed. I knew I wanted to write quite vividly to capture emotion and imagery within the piece but I think I've surpassed my original vision and it now tells more a full story.
To quickly surmise the poem is a story of how love can overcome adversity in whatever form adversity comes in. In this case it's about homosexuality for obvious reasons - I'm gay and in a gay relationship. The first five verses are all real dark and foreboding - storm clouds, paupers, loneliness, broken love and death etc.; to kind of portray the adversity such a relationship can face. The final two verses are the light in the poem - hope, love and beauty. A heart still beats to the rhythm is how it starts - and it does and will continue to do so wherever love is present.
The poems called "Eyeliner blues" simply because I just so love that line within the poem. When all's said and done it's simply a love poem that's all; love will always triumph over adversity. It's for us, me and my boyfriend; and anyone else who faces adversity simply because of a feeling they call love - hope will always shine. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 3 May 2009


The water
So deep
- - - -
The skyline
Not ugly
- - - -
The horizon
In silence
As one
- - - - 
The breeze
In motion
In prayer
The heavens
- - - -
The words
- - - -
The boy
In silence
These eyes
These thoughts
So true
- - - -
The day
Slow motion
Lay open
No keys

I need inspiration to write poetry, today has been full of it, that's why this poem was born. It was so easy to write, it's just the story of today, the story of spending time together at Salford Quays. What a wonderful place, it reminds me of an oasis - a place of quiet, of peace, of tranquility in a big, bustling city. Just a place of such contradiction, the mix of water and beauty surrounded by concrete and glass. 
It's a place where you can't help but look and take notice; my eyes just open wide, watching, admiring taking photographs for the mind. Watching someone in particular, just so pure - that's what the penultimate verse is about - a boy, my friend.  The final verse, well it brings it all together, The Quays are mentioned abstractly along with my mindset, so open and honest. Spending time with someone special leaves me with no fear - leaves my door unlocked; that's the title of the poem, Unlocked. It's been a great day xxxxxxx.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Empty spaces

The trees sway
In the wind it calls
Crystalline dew drops
Morning fall
The sun is golden
The sky is blue
The clouds roll by
And I miss you
- - - - 
The birds sing
In rhyme in code
Notes from heaven
An empty road
Fields of grass
Visions of two
All this beauty
And I miss you
- - - - 
Clocks they tick
Time slides away
Breaking the silence
Wasting the day
Reminder of passing
Memory so true
Reflections in the mirror
And I miss you
- - - - 
Let me breathe
Smell your skin
See your eyes
The beauty within
Stars are hidden
Vanished from view
It means nothing
And I miss you
- - - - 
Night time drags
In shadows in faces
Threadbare walls
Empty spaces 
Dreams of desire
A moon falling through
Into the twilight
And I miss you
- - - - 
Jigsaw puzzles
Of the mind
I've been stumbling
Lost and blind
To kiss your lips
To feel your touch
And I have missed you
I've missed you so much

It doesn't need much of an explanation does it? This is for my boyfriend who I have missed so, so much; it's been horrible. I know our being apart has been self imposed due to me being ill and he has respected that wish, but it's been so difficult for the both of us. I just didn't want him getting ill too and I'm not much fun to be around when I'm not well anyway. 
But still I'm glad that the worst is over and I'm overjoyed that I'll be seeing him shortly; gosh he makes me so very happy. This is called, "Empty Spaces" it's for you babes, I've missed you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Bathed in flowers

Walking streets
In flowers
In bloom
As rainfall
So fragrant
So beautiful
- - - - -
Not water
Still wet
A downpour
Like jewels
In pavements
As riches
- - - - -
In footsteps
And shadows
A canvas
Of walls
The Silence
Echoes of
A heartbeat
- - - - -
A moon
The light
A saviour
So menacing
The lost
And lonely
Of fortunes
- - - - -
Not sadness
From memory
No words
So pure
- - - - -
The sky
With colour
On fire
Dressed up

Well, it's Valentines Day and although I'm not normally swayed by such sentiment, I just couldn't resist. I was at work this morning and the verse was just running around in my head and would not let go. So I sat down at the computer and despite the interruption, I normally can not write if interrupted, out it flowed, so easily.
It's a love poem for Valentines Day - pure and simple, without hidden agenda. Now I don't normally write happy poetry or poems about the glory of love and nothing has happened in my life personally to make me write it. I just kind of got caught up in the moment, I could feel the energy of love in the air, I really could - it was kind of intoxicating. I could not help myself.
I thinks it's good, it's not overly sentimental nor overly implied; it just floats down out of the ether. I like it's subtlety towards the subject matter.
JK has a one-off exclusive printed copy of the working original with a handwritten note - he always calls my poetry so true. He reckons it will be worth some money when I'm famous and/or commit suicide. Thanks for your kind words JK!
Happy Valentines Day xxx.


Hello there blogger friends old and new, welcome to my new blog dedicated solely to my poetry. I have been posted my poetry on my sister blog "And I Know I Will Not Last" all the posts below can be still be found on there too. But I have started to write poetry quite frequently of late and so took the decision to set up another blog for it, to save you and I trawling through all the non-related poetry randomness I normally post there.
So welcome to my new home of poetry - I hope you like what I do? If so please feel free to leave a comment, it would be much appreciated. All the posts made after this will be new poetry written and posted solely on this blog so check back often, follow or subscribe via RSS.
Love to you xxx.

I nowhere

Originally written and posted on Friday 13 February 2009.

Tongue tied
Built up
To fall
To pieces
Mouth sewn
With feeling
- - - - -
Too much
To bear
To speak
As fog
For dreamers
- - - - -
In sunsets
Eyes bleed
A paradox
Circus lights
The clown
Tear stained
- - - - -
Take hours
Make dust
A promise
So fast
So untrue
- - - - -
In memory
A wilderness
Leaves fall
- - - - -
A name
A face
Still ringing
A crying
To no-one
So sad
Crossed out
To you
- - - - -
In moonlight
Down starlight
To dust
I know
My destination
I Know

Oh my......And this I do mean - this is the closest I have ever come in recent memory to just telling the truth straight out. The poem is called "I nowhere."


Originally written and posted on Monday 02 February 2009.

It's not often I revisit old posts but I'm going to do it again tonight; I'm going to explain some of my poetry and rid some of the misunderstandings.
I have just re-read my last poem, written and published last night, "But you"; and at the time of writing I didn't feel it was that good. When I normally finish a poem I often feel elated by it and often hail it as the best this or that; last night nothing but a cryptic message. However, upon reading it again tonight the poem has begun to reveal itself to it's true potential. I wanted to tell a story, a true story and a personal one; so I hid it within a kind of abstract framework. I thought I had hidden it too well at the time of writing and it did not make that much sense; I was wrong. Now I can see it makes perfect sense and I do not think that the message I wanted to convey is hidden at all; it is perfectly obvious if the poem is read correctly. That said, you do not know the story but I hope it makes a connection somewhere and means something to anyone who reads it. Maybe if you do know me well then perhaps you do understand the meaning in it to me, who knows?
The form of poetry I write on here is not just random words strung together. Each piece tells a story and the words I use, however random they may appear, are placed within the frame deliberately to tell it. It can be a painstaking process but even the longest of my pieces take under one hour to complete; and I usually take the longest time deliberating over the use of one or two words. I also like how this from of poetry leaves a huge breadth and depth of scope for readers to form their own opinions, they are deliberately written but not deliberately directed.
I always used to write poetry with my heart and soul, which usually produced introvert pieces; whereas nowadays I just tap into a nerve and kind of take a step back from the subject matter; leaving my personal objectives open to subjection. I have found it much easier to write this way and it is a much easier process upon myself, I can write a definitive personal piece without giving the game away completely.
One other thing, I kind of lied in the summary to another poem, "The boy with broken eyes". There are actually three people who are the inspiration behind it. And as I'm in a feel good mood I'll let the main inspiration be known, man I'm throwing away secrets for fun of late! He works in Burger King, and I am attracted to him simply because he just looks so out of place, so kind of lost. I'm sure he probably leads a very happy life but it is an impression I cannot shake each time I see him. For some reason which I honestly cannot identify I just want to take hold of him and tell him everything will be okay. He is mostly, 'The boy with broken eyes", it's amazing as it is bizarre where I find the inspiration and how I view the world.

But you

Originally written and posted on Sunday 01 February 2009.

I am the wolf
Fancy dress
Of everything
But you
It may be
Gold plated
A given
The riches
Nature head
Concrete bound
In light
In rust
Looking down
Hard falls
Cars pass
People die
A turmoil
Fade away
To dust
A window
The mirror
In horror
Your pain
Hands weep
In laughter
A signal
So perfect
In drinking
New age
New beginning
New outlook
New nothing
But nothing
Nothing new
You knew
Not me
But you

Oh my... why I have written this so abstractly? Well, it tells a story of sorts but I'm not sure how much of it is true. I guess I have learned recently that people in my life have begun to get to know me very well and I'm speaking a great deal of truth to them. This is just my reaction to it, for reasons unclear; because, for the most part, I enjoy sharing my life. I always try and maintain some kind of mystery to my life, that's probably why.
Anyway the poem is called "But you."

The boy with broken eyes

Originally written and posted on Tuesday 27 January 2009.

I'm in love
With the boy
With broken eyes
Shattered dreams
I see pain
Forgotten promises
I feel soul
Reflections sad
Allow me in
Make it better again
Stop the tears
Dry your cheek
Wipe the makeup
It is not needed
You are beautiful
A dove
White as a ghost
So high
So natural
So effortless
I will always
Forgive you
In sunlight
I see you
In moonlight
I miss you
The darkness
I will fail
The mystery
To save you
From yourself
If it hurts
Bones will heal
Hearts will not
Memory slides
Time plays dead
A touch so soft
Like woman
Fragile skin
Beauty within
Cut flowers
In bloom
Without water
To grace
One kiss
Strung out
In shadows
Cast down
The boy
With broken eyes
I was once loved
By a man

This poem may grow but time is chasing me down tonight, so I'm going to post it as is. I think it's great already, it may not need any further additions, but time will tell. The opening lines have been working through my mind all day today and I just could not let them disappear without working on them in the short time I have tonight.
I would like to tell you what it's all about but I don't really know. So I will leave it up to you to decide; however someone is the inspiration behind it. The poems called "The boy with broken eyes".

Shadows electrified

Originally written and posted on Sunday 18 January 2009.

The nighttime
A darkness
Of light
A Moon
Star struck
Too far
Already gone
A notion
So warm
A Trembling
Of losing
One Number
So fragile
A heartbeat
The time-slip
In prayer
Palms pressed
Storm clouds
In motion

I'm not overly happy with this one but it's the best I can get it for now. I have been thinking too much on it and trying to force the words out rather than let it flow naturally. I think the real problem is this is the second time I have written about this subject within a week, but I could not help myself, it was so good again :-)
So regardless of whether the poem is any good or not I just wanted to capture the moment, which I've managed to do. I'll call this one "Shadows Electrified". This is for you xx.

The healing

Originally written and posted on Saturday 17 January 2009.

Mouth moving
To hear them
Words falling
They hurt me
Your soul
That look
Those eyes
Turn around
Look away
I'm scared
Of you
A wish
The blindness
In sunshine
Raised upwards
Blue skies
Sugar Crystals
Of heaven
In the distance
I see you
A figure
The smiling
The healing
The stories

Well, I'm on some kind of form tonight; here we have another 10 minute poem. I love these short, simple turns of phrase; I think sometimes they can say so much more and also leave scope for interpretation. What's it about?
Life has been treating me indifferently these last few days, you can probably tell from some of my postings. Sometimes I let the bad stuff get all the ink and that would not be a fair representation of my mind. Stuff has got me down true but there has been plenty more to make me smile. I think today I sorted my mind out, found the crux of the matter, the source of the pain and stayed away from it; I've addressed it on here too.
The poem is called "The healing" because that's what I've been doing.


Originally written and posted on Saturday 17 January 2009.

Do not seek the eyes of strangers
Zero reflection, absolution
My soul weak
My mind tired
My body not
It is worth more
No truth to be found here
There is no love
No understanding
No caring
No joy
But escapism

Another poem I did not mean to write to begin with. I enjoy writing in this minimal style at the moment; and I like the end results. What's it about? Well, I learned something real good last night whilst in a kind of downward spiral. During such times I sometimes search for escapism from my blues by doing the above. Such behavior is not kind to me, does not resolve any of my issues and is quite shameful. Last night I stopped myself from doing it, I learned.
What that says about the process and about me when I am happy and carefree is....? I don't know. Maybe then it is just about having some fun, for the right reasons?
Anyway the poem, as the post suggests, is entitled, "Impure". Perhaps, the answers I seek to my own questions have already been written by my own hand?


Originally written and posted on Thursday 15 January 2009.

This will not make any sense to anyone but someone, it is just a note to whoever; and I just needed to post it, so it is recorded somewhere.

Saturday afternoon I just lost myself so.
I lost all sense of time, of place, of myself.
Of everything that I ever knew.
I was somewhere else - I do not know where.
I was someone else - I do not know who.
It did not matter and nothing mattered to me at all.
Never before have I felt like I have known so little in my life.
Yet it was the nearest I have been to anything ever before.
I did not want to see and I did not want to speak.
I forgot how to walk and I could barely crawl.
There was nothing in the world that made sense.
Because there was nothing to make sense of.
Life was an obscurity, breathing was not required.
Just for those moments, I was lost, totally,

Thank you.

I've just read through this before posting it and I think it's a poem, not in a style I normally write in, but still. I did not mean to write one, it was not my intention, but I think it's really good. It's just human emotion, pure and simple; perhaps that's why it is what it is. Six years since I have last written poetry, oh my.
Post comment:
I have renamed the post 'Somewhere" - that's the title for the poem, I have decided it is now a poem. I think it is perhaps the most beautiful and organic piece I have ever written. I never, ever write organically, if you know what I mean? All my poetry is normally written very deliberately, to tell a story or to get a point across. Could anyone who reads this please leave a comment; or if you know me personally let me know what you think of it please. Your honest feedback on this would really be appreciated.