Monday 4 May 2009

Eyeliner blues

The horizon line is fading
Slowly disappearing from view
Storm clouds in the distance
Rolling over me and you
There's lightning traces
And lipstick faces
Straight boys dressed up in drag
High heeled shoes
Eyeliner blues
A notion of a slag
- - - - 
An angel in the architecture
Reaches for heaven above
Paupers in the gutter
Strung out on second hand love
A drunken sleaze
Wearing green jade knees
Foretells the price of fame
In glitter ball charms 
And tattoo artist arms
The story reads the same
- - - - 
It's raining down in Soho
A girl sings in a lonely bar
Songs of a better yesterday
Dreams of being a star
The shadows they taunt
In faces shallow and gaunt
Notes wrung out to dry
They greet the rain 
They hide the pain
No one listens when she cries
- - - - 
Whispers trail on stony ground
Forgotten words remain unspoken
Trees they bend to touch the earth
A truth already broken
Lovers gaze
In separate ways
Then walk away alone
The streetlights sigh
To the desperate sky
Gestures the way back home
- - - - 
Hyenas laugh in the graveyard
Ghosts haunt the frigid air
Eyes caught in a car crash
An illuminating stare
Shot blood red
Gunshot dead
Mascara black as night
Slips from her face
Slides without grace
Gives up without a fight
- - - -
A heart beats to a rhythm
Pressed gently in a hand
Connected to a feeling
Lines drawn within the sand
The halo slips 
To another ones lips
Together lost in time
As devils they call
Kisses innocently fall
Hope will always shine
- - - - 
Tonight the stars shine quietly
Silently to sleep
Baby don't you cry now
Darling don't you weep
There's moonlight strings
A serenade of kings
The freedom of a dove
Skin touches skin
A prayer from within
Two boyfriends making love

Oh my gosh, this poem has not turned out as I intended it to but I love it all the same; it still manages to tell the story I wanted to get across but it's a surprise. I've had verses running through my mind all afternoon whilst at work and I was so hoping they would stick around until this evening so I could capture them. Some I did and some I didn't - the vast majority of the final verses were originally in mind as a start to the poem, but hey it changed. I knew I wanted to write quite vividly to capture emotion and imagery within the piece but I think I've surpassed my original vision and it now tells more a full story.
To quickly surmise the poem is a story of how love can overcome adversity in whatever form adversity comes in. In this case it's about homosexuality for obvious reasons - I'm gay and in a gay relationship. The first five verses are all real dark and foreboding - storm clouds, paupers, loneliness, broken love and death etc.; to kind of portray the adversity such a relationship can face. The final two verses are the light in the poem - hope, love and beauty. A heart still beats to the rhythm is how it starts - and it does and will continue to do so wherever love is present.
The poems called "Eyeliner blues" simply because I just so love that line within the poem. When all's said and done it's simply a love poem that's all; love will always triumph over adversity. It's for us, me and my boyfriend; and anyone else who faces adversity simply because of a feeling they call love - hope will always shine. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. thats perfect babes im glad you changed it. it makes a world of difference. i think it now adds to the poem instead of taking away. you should write a book its such a talent. ive just showed it to rach i think she wants to comment. a poem for us its beautiful. love 2 u xxxxxxxxxx :-)

  2. Hey how's sexy pants tonight!
    I didn't know you wrote a blog or poetry but I'll be keeping an eye on it now. This poem is incredible it brought tears to my eyes, it is a talent you've got. To move people with words is a special gift. Work on it and don't waste it!
    Love Rach xxxxxx

  3. Oh gosh, you're both so very kind and sexy pants is fine thanks! I'm glad you both like it - it is quite possibly the best piece I've ever written, you checked in at the right time Rach.
    I don't know if it's a special gift or anything, I just try to translate the things my eyes see, my ears hear and my mind senses into words and a story that's all. As long as it makes a connection to the people who read it then that's fine with me.
    As to writing a book babes, well I write when I have the inspiration and the inclination; that can be hours, days, weeks, months or years apart. I wouldn't know where to start anyway.
    Thanks for your words earlier, it does make all the difference. Have a great night people; look after my man for me Rach. Love to you both xxxxxxxx
