Saturday 14 February 2009


Originally written and posted on Thursday 15 January 2009.

This will not make any sense to anyone but someone, it is just a note to whoever; and I just needed to post it, so it is recorded somewhere.

Saturday afternoon I just lost myself so.
I lost all sense of time, of place, of myself.
Of everything that I ever knew.
I was somewhere else - I do not know where.
I was someone else - I do not know who.
It did not matter and nothing mattered to me at all.
Never before have I felt like I have known so little in my life.
Yet it was the nearest I have been to anything ever before.
I did not want to see and I did not want to speak.
I forgot how to walk and I could barely crawl.
There was nothing in the world that made sense.
Because there was nothing to make sense of.
Life was an obscurity, breathing was not required.
Just for those moments, I was lost, totally,

Thank you.

I've just read through this before posting it and I think it's a poem, not in a style I normally write in, but still. I did not mean to write one, it was not my intention, but I think it's really good. It's just human emotion, pure and simple; perhaps that's why it is what it is. Six years since I have last written poetry, oh my.
Post comment:
I have renamed the post 'Somewhere" - that's the title for the poem, I have decided it is now a poem. I think it is perhaps the most beautiful and organic piece I have ever written. I never, ever write organically, if you know what I mean? All my poetry is normally written very deliberately, to tell a story or to get a point across. Could anyone who reads this please leave a comment; or if you know me personally let me know what you think of it please. Your honest feedback on this would really be appreciated.

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