Saturday 14 February 2009

The healing

Originally written and posted on Saturday 17 January 2009.

Mouth moving
To hear them
Words falling
They hurt me
Your soul
That look
Those eyes
Turn around
Look away
I'm scared
Of you
A wish
The blindness
In sunshine
Raised upwards
Blue skies
Sugar Crystals
Of heaven
In the distance
I see you
A figure
The smiling
The healing
The stories

Well, I'm on some kind of form tonight; here we have another 10 minute poem. I love these short, simple turns of phrase; I think sometimes they can say so much more and also leave scope for interpretation. What's it about?
Life has been treating me indifferently these last few days, you can probably tell from some of my postings. Sometimes I let the bad stuff get all the ink and that would not be a fair representation of my mind. Stuff has got me down true but there has been plenty more to make me smile. I think today I sorted my mind out, found the crux of the matter, the source of the pain and stayed away from it; I've addressed it on here too.
The poem is called "The healing" because that's what I've been doing.

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